Thinking of a Gal about her marriage Life
"The woods were lovely dark and deep. Walking slowly beside her, in thedamp mud road, was her husband whom she barely knew. He was very relaxed, happily watching a group of kids playing at a distance.Her "mehandi" was still dark and smelling fresh, reminding of theexcitements and tension 2 days back. "It cant work this way mom...please stop this", she kept telling her mother till the lastmoment,who wouldnt listen but carry on with beautifying her.She hadbeen crying all night and her make-up had to be patched up twice or thrice to hide her awkwardly swollen face.It was too late now.She had to get married "NOW" to the guy...The guywhom she had seen once and talked thrice.The guy about whom she knew nothing at all but for his name and work.Everything happened in ahurry and everthing was over before she could breathe again... herewas she with this guy, all alone in this hill station.... how can anybody send their daughter such a long distance with a stranger???"Hey look at that....!!!" he shouted in excitement... she shrugged and looked where his finger pointed... Bright colored balloons dotted the sky. Children were jumping in joyand he seemed to be completely absorbed into it...colors are alwaysexciting...but not now.She was not with her friends, not with her team mates, not even with her parents. This was not a 3 day tour or teambuilding trip.This was her life and she has been forced to start off with this person.Loneliness and discomfort with this stranger was sickening....She looked at him in wonder... does he even realize that he has marriedme?Does he understand that he has to love me,protect me,care for me,a new girl,a stranger,all his life?The marriage morning started like a daylight nightmare for her.Thefirst time in life she felt she should have fallen in love and thenmarried somebody. some man who she would have felt more comfortablewith, someone whom she could call by name and introduce to friends,someone whom she could trust. But marriage morning was obviously not the time to think all these.Her parents would never have said "no" if she had declared that she was in love.But she was not emotionally attached to anybody shemet,especially guys.She was very friendly,playing,teasing, but neverhad second thought for any man around her.That brought the entire responsibility of looking for a groom on her parents' shoulders.Herparents had had a very bad time with this entire process.They startedtheir groom search with unending "&" operation. The concatenation of "Horoscope matching" & "Decent family" & "Good looking" & "Good pay" &"same cast" & so on... that always gave 0 output.Now after all that 8 months hunt,they were not ready to hear her "ifs" and "buts" for this 'good guy'.She had explained to her father.She does not feel anything for this person.He is nothing more to me than any other software professional.Like list of names she sees in the chat rooms. Distantand usual...Her father asked her to talk to him and even meet him anddiscuss their likes and dislikes.That meeting started like theinduction programme self introduction and ended like a 3 hour seminar.She was waiting to get away from that place."So did you talkwith him?"."yes"."was he polite and decent. "yes"."Oh he got thatspecial flavoured tri-color icecream...!!!".OK.All her family andrelatives discussed...She was given the chance to "understand her life partner" and that they have understood each other "well" and she is ready for the marriage now.All arrangements geared up and it was 24 days after her first meeting that she was getting married to her man... perfect match as everybodyelse described.Marriage hall was full with excited people, kids gotthe chance to play,ladies got the chance to wear the silk saree.The smell of rose and jasmine filled the hall.Different poses for thephotographer and atrificial smiles for the videos.The moment he hadtied the sacred thread was unexplainable vaccum in the head.It was over.She was his wife.Accepted by the society and law.Her proudparents were relaxed.This was their duty they had been planning tofulfill since she was born.All this crowd will fade away,leaving her to explore her new world...He pulled her hand gently to sit on the stone bench.The bench was wetand the chillness was indeed enjoyable."So what are you thinkingabout?"... that was an unexpected ball.should she reply?should she besilent?She remembered the two hour presentation she had taken lastmonth.Bold and confident, she kept answering all the queries with abroad smile.Now she remained silent."Do you know honey.... I was not for this marriage too..." Oh my God... what did i hear??? did HE tellthat or did i think aloud? what does he mean?didnt he like me?was heforced into this? He must have noticed the quizzical look on my
face...with a gentle smile he continued..."I wanted to look for a girlmyself,buy her verything,care for her,argue with her,laugh and crywith her,then get married to her... Anything otherwise would be a drama. Traditional drama and i was not for it anytime. But my love formy work and also my stress would not give me time and mind to searchthat girl...When your parents talked to me 2 weeks before our marriage, about your fear of getting married,to a stranger, i could completely understand your mind. I could see myself in you and thatwas the moment i decided i will marry you.There was no time to prove myself to you,make you trust me,everything happened in a hurry.Butthere was the entire life before me, to please you,to love you, tomake you trust me.This is no less than what i had dreamt,the girl i was waiting for,is you.Now tell me... will you love me???" Tears camedown her cheek.Her parents had done more than their duty.They hadfound her the perfect guy. Thank you Mom!!! Thank you Dad!!! His question remained unanswered yet both knew the answer....
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